Monday, April 27, 2009


So yesturday I was working and this lady comes with an attitude to me!!! Like really?!

This is how it happened. I was in front of the hotel with a group of people that we were transfering from their hotel to a cruise. The hotel is a small hotel and it doest have a lot of space in front. There is a lane separate from the main street for the busses to pull over. So we had our buses in the lane and the people were boarding. This lady comes making a lot of noise with her horn and yelling, and of corse I ignored her. She got out of the car and start yelling at my with a f-ing attitude!!! Really? She was there for like 15 seconds. So she tells me "you better move the bus like right now!!! I have to pick up someone that is sick!!!" with hand gestures and everything! And i just start laughing in her face and told her that she needed to wait untill the people were done boarding. OBVIOSLY!

Why people have to come yelling with and attitude? Is is difficult to talk? I hate when people yell!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my job everyday. Why am I studying hospitality again?
