The end of the semester is somming in three weeks. Yes!!! Summer!!! Im so exited!!
My profesors are driving me crazy with so many things to do, last minute exams (without saying anything), presentations, essays, homework!!! Arrrrrggg!! Why? Why when we only have three f-ing weeks? Do they think that we only have one class? Guess again!! For each class I have at least three things pending. Like really? I can't wait 'till is over!!
Ufff... that felt good. I hade to let it out or if not i would explote. So yeah right now I have a ton of work to do and on top of that I HAVE A LIFE... lol.
I wish I could write more but my friend Cynthia is begging me to get out of here. (I'm "in class" right now).
Lol! Amazing! Such anger! Such devotion! I could feel your pain.